Amazing Facts
Cosmic Conflict: The Origin of Evil DVD (Sharing Edition) by Doug Batchelor
Cosmic Conflict: The Origin of Evil DVD (Sharing Edition) by Doug Batchelor
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
- Powerful animations
- Recorded in hi-definition
- Audio and subtitles in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French
- An essential Christian sharing tool!
Witness the creation of a beautiful new world ... feel the suspense as the devil brings his rebellion to Planet Earth ... behold the temptation and fall in Eden ... and uncover God's amazing plan to restore people to paradise through the ultimate sacrifice.
The battle between good and evil affects every life on Earth—don't let you, your family, or friends miss this!
This sharing edition of our popular Cosmic Conflict: The Origin of Evil is packaged in an attractive DVD sleeve. Carry them with you in your car, briefcase, or purse and share them with everyone you meet!
Mass Mailing: Call 800-538-7275 for mass mailing pricing. Minimum mailing of 1,000 DVDs required for mass mailing orders.
Poderosas animaciones
Grabado en alta definición
Audio y subtítulos en inglés, español, portugués, alemán y francés
¡Una herramienta cristiana esencial para compartir!
¡Realice un viaje espectacular en el tiempo y rastree la transformación de un ángel perfecto en Satanás, el archidemonio, y aprenda cómo lideró un ejército de ángeles en una revuelta en el cielo! Este poderoso recurso da sentido al carácter y las acciones de Dios y por qué permitió que el pecado continuara a un costo tan grande.
Sea testigo de la creación de un hermoso mundo nuevo ... sienta el suspenso mientras el diablo trae su rebelión al planeta Tierra ... contemple la tentación y la caída en el Edén ... y descubra el asombroso plan de Dios para restaurar a las personas al paraíso a través del sacrificio máximo .
La batalla entre el bien y el mal afecta a todas las vidas de la tierra. ¡No dejes que tú, tu familia o tus amigos se lo pierdan!
Esta edición compartida de nuestro popular conflicto cósmico: el origen del mal está empaquetada en una atractiva funda de DVD. ¡Llévelos con usted en su automóvil, maletín o bolso y compártalos con todos los que conozca!
Envío masivo: llame al 800-538-7275 para conocer los precios del envío masivo. Se requiere envío mínimo de 1,000 DVD para pedidos de envío masivo.
Audio y subtítulos disponibles en: inglés, holandés, portugués y español.
Customer Reviews
- Reviews
- Questions

Leaves of Autumn
I bought a bunch of these DVDs and give them to strangers and acquaintances. I’m trying to spread them around like the leaves of autumn.

It is so well put together. The history of prophecies fulfilled are so clear. The graphics are effective. The sound is clear. A wonderful, well put together DVD.

Open mine Eyes
Those who received it from me where VERY receptive of getting it. From the mail man to a store clerk and a Senator.

Cosmic conflict
Far above the stars is another universe that surpasses our knowledge and sight. A war began in Heaven and ended on our earth With the highest commander winning. We can be on that winning team!

Cosmic Conflict
A true blessing. I've used what I learned to evangelize and great conversation starter. I study The DVD with the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guide lesson Really get their attention and have lead others to Amazing Facts Website Awesome awesome

Cosmic Conflict, great for new believers
This video really describes the spiritual war going on for the world and the nature of sin, the devil, and the Lord's solution for sin.

Cosmic conflit