eBook Setup Instructions After purchasing and downloading your eBook from AFbookstore.com you'll want to transfer it to the device of your choosing, or import it into an eReader on your computer. The following instructions will help you import your eBook onto the three main eReaders available. Consult your eReader's user manual for detailed instructions. This free software can dramatically simplify eBook management on your device, and it works with Kindle, iPad, Nook, Sony, and almost every other eReader on the market today. For detailed instructions about how to use Calibre go to the Calibre help page. Platform compatibility: We offer eBook formats for the Kindle (.mobi file format) and for iPad, Nook, Sony, and other ereaders (.epub file format). Be sure to select the appropriate file for your device. If you are using Calibre you will have the flexibility to convert a .mobi file into a .epub file and visa versa, but there is no guarantee that this conversion process will maintain formatting quality in the conversion proess. For best results purchase the eBook file format that works for your device. Kindle or Nook instructions:
iPad/iPhone instructions