Amazing Facts
A New Revelation | DVD & Study Guide Set
A New Revelation | DVD & Study Guide Set
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
Presented by Pastor Doug Batchelor at a prestigious Christian university, this insightful prophecy study series will take you through the entire Amazing Facts Study Guide series step-by-step, helping you learn more about Revelation and Bible truth in these 28 presentations than you would have ever thought possible!
Topics include:
- Is there Anything Left You can Trust? -- Why you can trust the Bible
- It's Still There! -- Salvation, the greatest gift
- What You Don't know Will Hurt you -- How and why sin came to this earth
- The Richest Caveman -- Pastor Doug's Testimony
- You Are Responsible -- The biblical relationship of law and grace
- It's Headed Straight Toward You -- How to recognize Christ's second coming
- Don't Be Fooled -- Sabbath, God's Test of Loyalty
- A Colossal City in Space -- Why heaven is a place you don't want to miss
- Has Holy Wedlock Become Unholy Deadlock? -- Restore happiness to your marriage
- Are the Dead Really Dead? -- State of the Dead
- Buried and Forgotten by God -- Baptism
- Is the Devil in Charge of Hell? -- The Good News about Hell
- Coming ... World Blackout -- The Millennium
- God Drew the Plans -- The Sanctuary
- You wouldn't Do This -- Tips on Diet and Health
- Angel Messages from Outer Space -- The three Angels of Rev. 14
- The Big Radar has Caught You -- How God's Law brings true freedom
- The Anti-Christ is Alive Today -- Unlocking the mystery of the Anti-Christ
- God Sets a Date for Judgment -- Reveals Judgment Date
- Facing the Judge -- Your Day in Court
- The Mark of the Beast -- Mark of the Beast
- The USA in Bible Prophecy -- America's leading role in end-time events
- What's wrong with my Church? -- The shocking news of Satan's deception
- God's End-Time Church -- Remnant Church, six identifying marks
- Does God Inspire Astrologers and Psychics? -- How to Test Prophets and Visions
- Worldwide Embezzlement Scandal -- God's plan for financial prosperity
- The World That Transforms -- Principles for a joyful Christian Life
- No Turning Back -- Identifies the unforgivable sin
This special set includes the DVD set and the complete set of 27 Amazing Facts Study Guides! A huge savings!
This set is perfect for your own spiritual enrichment or as part of an outreach effort in your community. Over 28-one hour presentations on 17 DVDs. Inspiring and informative, this is a powerhouse outreach tool and Bible study resource!
- Reviews
- Questions
A perrenial favorite-
The best overall prophecy/church doctrine series I've ever seen. Had the VHS's until they began to 'depart'. The DVD's have exactly the same info. and will last 'til they're no longer needed'! Good price and the study guides are top-notch, as well.
I was extremely Pleased
It's just what I needed for my classes.
I. Would buy this product again xcellent
Excellent. This our second. Set We have seen the new millennium
Very well written and easy to understand
Makes a great daily study gu ide
Excellent Resource
We were using the Study Guides for weekly baptismal classes but it was taking too many weeks. With the DVD's the students can go at their own pace and class time can focus on review and questions. I wish the study guides were put in a spiral bound book for ease of use. Excellent comprehensive material. God is glorified with this.
Amazing Study on Biblical Principles
I use it to show others the truth so they are not deceived by Satan's deceptions and delusions.
The best TV serie you could ever watch !
" A New Revelation " is the seminar that helped me going through a rough time, feeling God's wonderful Love all over the gospel. God gave Pastor Doug a wonderful teaching talent. Everything is just so clear and simple and personal and mostly biblical. We can learn and appreciate more and more God's living Word. I strongly recommended it to everybody especially for those who think that the Bible is not accessible or too complicated or even boring ! This will definitely change you life.
A clear way to prepare to share
I use it to prepare myself before giving the study to someone else
I would buy this product again
It's a great product with very good information and entertaining . A well rounded Bible study that presents all the facts and truth for our present day.If you are a Bible teacher or a student there is always something to learn.I plan to center on this Bible study for future projects.