Lifestreams Media
About Miracles: When the Logical Explanation is God by Lifestreams Media
About Miracles: When the Logical Explanation is God by Lifestreams Media
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
(Run time: 59 minutes) – About Miracles presents four dramatic, true stories about modern day miracles. Told by the actual people involved and featuring gripping reenactments.
About Miracles offers the facts and concludes that sometimes – the only logical explanation is God. A man is shot in the head and left for dead. A woman hears a voice telling her to go to the ER even though she has no physical symptoms. Young parents pray for healing for their baby. A young woman needs to raise thousands of dollars for a mission trip in one week.
DVD Extras: Optional English subtitles, Music Video, Movie Trailer.
Coded for ALL Regions]