PRE-ORDER NOW! AFacts Tracts (100/pack): 7 Reasons Why Evolution Defies Logic by Amazing Facts
PRE-ORDER NOW! AFacts Tracts (100/pack): 7 Reasons Why Evolution Defies Logic by Amazing Facts
PRE-ORDER NOW! AFacts Tracts (100/pack): 7 Reasons Why Evolution Defies Logic by Amazing Facts
PRE-ORDER NOW! AFacts Tracts (100/pack): 7 Reasons Why Evolution Defies Logic by Amazing Facts

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PRE-ORDER NOW! AFacts Tracts (100/pack): 7 Reasons Why Evolution Defies Logic by Amazing Facts

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PRE-ORDER NOW! AFacts Tracts (100/pack): 7 Reasons Why Evolution Defies Logic by Amazing Facts


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Now Available for pre-order! Coming Mid- March.

Topic: Creation

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In 2005, evolutionary scientists made an unexpected discovery: pliable blood vessels, or soft tissue, within the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex. This astonishing finding was documented in the journal Science and sent shockwaves through the scientific community.
How could there have been dinosaur soft tissue in bones that are supposedly millions of years old? According to all known biological processes, the tissue shouldn’t have been there—if it’s as old as they have claimed.
When most people hear the word “evolution,” they think of macroevolution, which teaches that, given enough time, one species will turn into an all-new species. But the only kind of change that has ever been observed in the real world is microevolution, small adaptations that can quickly occur within a species—without ever resulting in another species.
Doesn’t it seem like evolutionary theory defies real-world science? Indeed, is evolution really scientific? Are humans merely the product of chance over vast ages of evolution? What does the science actually tell us? And what does that same real-world science reveal about the Bible? Here are seven scientific reasons to be confident
that evolution isn’t true—and why you can actually trust the Bible.

1. The Mini Grand Canyon 

Evolutionists claim that the Colorado River took five million years to carve out the Grand Canyon. However, the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1982 caused a massive mudflow that pushed the water of Spirit Lake over its borders and down the valley. In just 24 hours, a 140-footdeep “miniature Grand Canyon,” complete with layers and strata, was formed, providing real-world evidence that catastrophic, earth-transforming events can occur rapidly. Thus, real-world evidence supports the biblical account of a worldwide catastrophic flood (Genesis 7:11–24).

2. The Cambrian Explosion 

The Grand Canyon’s rock layers are said to reveal millions of years of evolutionary
history. The lowest layer, called the “Precambrian,” contains very few fossils (primarily bacteria and algae). But just above it, the “Cambrian” layer contains complete fossils of nearly every modern animal group. Rather than fossils showing animals changing from the Precambrian to the Cambrian, as one would expect to see with evolution, all the
creatures we know today appear at once. This also aligns with the testimony of the Bible: “God made the beast of the earth according to its kind” (Genesis 1:25).

3. Symbiotic Relationships

“Obligate mutualism” is a type of symbiosis in which two species rely entirely on each other for survival. For example, in the Southwest United States, the yucca plant depends
on the yucca moth as its only pollinator, while the moth relies on it as its only food source. But how could such a relationship have evolved? If the moth needs the plant and the plant needs the moth, which came first? And how could either have survived independently? God has embedded the heavenly principle of mutual giving and receiving in the natural world! Jesus said, “Give, and it will be given to you” (Luke 6:38).

4. Irreducible Complexity

Irreducible complexity refers to a biological system composed of multiple interdependent parts, where removing any one part renders the entire system non-functional. For instance, the eye—with its lens, retina, optic nerve, cornea, iris, etc.—requires all these components to work harmoniously for vision to occur. This could
not have arisen through gradual evolutionary steps, suggesting it was the work of an intelligent designer. Darwin confessed, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down” (On the Origin of Species, 1859). Real-world science did just that!

5. Carbon Dating

Did you know that carbon dating once indicated that living mollusk shells were over 2,000 years old—despite being less than 100 years old? Similarly, wood from a First Dynasty Egyptian burial chamber was dated at nearly 7,500 years old using carbon dating, while other methods placed it at only 1,000 years old. Yet, evolutionary theory
relies on these flawed dating methods.

6. Mitochondrial Eve

Geneticists have traced all living humans to a single maternal ancestor, called “Mitochondrial Eve,” supporting the bold biblical claim that “Eve … was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20). While evolutionists have estimated her to have lived around 200,000 years ago, they have no explanation as to why humans existed for so long
with so little population increase—for instance, from 1804 to 2022, humanity exploded from one billion to 8 billion people! Fitting alongside biblical genealogies, the real-world evidence reveals that the human species has existed for thousands of years, not millions.

7. Living Fossils

The coelacanth and the dragonfly are known as “living fossils.” The coelacanth, a fish long believed to be extinct for over 66 million years, was discovered alive in 1938
by a fisherman off the coast of South Africa. Surprisingly, living coelacanths are nearly
identical to their fossilized counterparts, showing no evidence of evolutionary change. Similarly, dragonfly fossils dated at 300 million years reveal that these insects are virtually unchanged from their modern counterparts, which wouldn’t be
possible if evolution were true.

What Do You Believe?
Curiously, while all seven pieces of real-world evidence presented here challenge the theory of evolution, none of them are a challenge for those scientists who believe the Genesis account of Creation, which documents that God made the world in six literal days about 6,000 years ago (Genesis 1:1–2:4).

Some Christians attempt to reconcile these conflicting worldviews, arguing that “God used evolution to create.” The Vatican and many Protestant universities support this view, known as “theistic evolution.” But this theory suggests that God’s design involved millions of years of pain and death, with species preying on one another. In contrast, the Bible teaches that God created the world as a perfect, peaceful paradise and that death and suffering resulted from sin (Genesis 1:31; 2:17).

Let’s face it: Evolution and the Bible’s creation account are irreconcilable. Will you trust God’s Word and the real-world evidence favoring a loving Creator, or will you lean on the failing, unscientific theories of men?