Amazing Facts
AFacts Tracts (100/pack): What is the Mark of the Beast by Amazing Facts
AFacts Tracts (100/pack): What is the Mark of the Beast by Amazing Facts
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
Topic: Mark of the Beast
Easy-to-share leaflets on popular Bible topics!
Packets of 100 for only $9.95.
Amazing Facts Tracts stand out from the crowd.
- Larger size to grab attention (but still fits in your pocket)
- Free link to a magazine, book, or video download
- Easy to read type
- Covers key Bible teachings
- Connects to free Bible study guides
- Use with evangelism tracking database
- Nurture leads with follow-up emails on the tract topic
Equip yourself, your members, your personal ministries team, and your outreach events with these colorful, inexpensive, eye-catching tracts that can be spread out like the leaves of autumn.
Each topic introduces a central Bible topic and then links the reader to free Bible studies and a free resource that can be downloaded simply by sending a text message. Watch for more popular topics coming soon!
Sample of text on tract:
An Amazing Fact: Imagine being in a battle with thousands of soldiers and not knowing who was friend or foe. At the beginning of the American Civil War, there were no set uniform colors for either the Union or Confederate armies. This led to chaos and confusion on the battlefield—with soldiers often shooting at troops on their own side. Eventually, standard uniform colors were established: navy blue for Union soldiers and gray for Confederate soldiers.
Did you know that the Bible tells of a cosmic battle in the last days of Earth’s history—and of a mark that will clearly identify which side you are on?
This conflict between good and evil began long ago when Lucifer, a powerful angel, rebelled against God and His kingdom. Scripture says that “war broke out in heaven” (Revelation 12:7) and that Lucifer became “that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan.”
Satan was eventually “cast to the earth, and his angels … with him” (verse 9), and ever since, every human being has been pulled into this war. Now, as we near the end of this cosmic conflict, the Bible teaches that you have a choice to make: to either receive or reject the “mark of the beast.”
But what is this mark? Who is the beast? And what does all of it have to do with you?
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It is an excellent witnessing tract.