Amazing Facts
Angel Messages From Space by Bill May
Angel Messages From Space by Bill May
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
Angels are real! Sometimes called cherubim or seraphim, these powerful ministering spirits appear all through Bible history. Often they are seen protecting and guiding God's people, and sometimes punishing evil. But one of their most important missions is to reveal and explain prophecy.
Did you know God has said something special through His angels to the stressed-out people of our hectic world? In Revelation 14, God reveals some awesome last-day messages coded in the symbolism of three flying angels. So significant are these messages, that when they are completed, Jesus returns! This guide will give you an eye-opening overview, and the following eight guides will present the incredible details. Hold on to your seat ... God's personal message to you is about to be explained!
- Why are we studying Revelation? Isn't it sealed?
- God commissioned His church to take the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). How does He symbolize this sacred work in Revelation?
- What two crucial points does Revelation 14:6 reveal about God's message for the last days?
- What four distinctive points does the first angel's message cover?
- What solemn statement does the second angel make about Babylon? What does the angel of Revelation 18 command God's people to do?
- Against what does the third angel's message solemnly warn?
- What four-point description does God give in Revelation 14:12 of His people who accept and follow the three angels' messages?
- What happens immediately following the teaching of the three angels' messages to all people?
- In 2 Peter 1:12, the apostle speaks of "present truth." What does he mean?
- Who does the Bible say will come to give a "present truth" message before the great day of the Lord?
- What did Elijah do that caused the Lord to focus on him?
- The Elijah message has a twofold application. It applies to a "present truth" message to prepare people for Jesus' first advent and a "present truth" message to prepare people for Jesus' second advent. Who did Jesus say preached the Elijah message to prepare people for His first advent?
- How do we know the prophecy has a second application to our time just before the second advent?
- What other wonderful blessing will the preaching of the Elijah (or the three angels') messages bring?
- The word "gospel" means "good news." Do the three angels' messages of Revelation chapter 14 provide good news?
- Reviews
- Questions
Angel Message from Space
I give them to people, I put them in public places where I get access. This is one of my favorite study guide. it cover the three Angels message, because I live in NYC and my heart aches when I'm in the bus or in the train going to church and I see the crowd going to their regular activities and I always looking for anybody going to church like me and my heart aches because I know that the Lord is coming and how unprepared the world is, and it's hard. so let's pray for people.
Angel Messages From Space
Absolutely awesome! Knowing about the three angels' messages really helps you to study your bible more and read the scriptures over and over again so that you can be prepared when God returns to this earth. I really enjoyed reading this material just as I enjoy reading all of the study guides. They really lift me up.
Angel Message from space
This is another awesome study guide. it help people to be prepared for the coming of the Lord also. Like Pastor Doug said let's preach the three Angel's gospel to save lives. I hope people find blessing in them. Thank so much.