Amazing Facts
Bible Chain Referencing Sheet
Bible Chain Referencing Sheet
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
If you enjoy studying the Bible you'll love this innovative Bible marking tool!
Designed to enhance personal Bible study and for giving Bible studies to others with confidence, the Bible Study Chain Referencing Sheet is a must for any novice or serious Bible student.
Thirty-six major topics are outlined on a master topical index guide. Each topic and corresponding chain-referencing text are color coded for ease of identification and use. Printed on self-adhesive clear acrylic plastic.
Topics include:
- The Bible
- God
- Origin of Evil
- Prophecy of Messiah
- Divinity of Christ
- Salvation
- Confession and forgiveness
- Europe's Future
- 2nd Coming
- Signs of the Second Coming
- Law of God
- Sabbath
- Faith
- Sabbath Keeping
- State of the Dead
- Heaven
- Millenium
- Mark of the Beast
- Baptism
- Tithe/Stewardship
- Holy Spirit
- Gift of Prophecy
- Test of a Prophet
- U.S.A in Bible Prophecy
- And much more!
Customer Reviews
- Reviews
- Questions

I Love It.
A very helpful resource.

a bit tough to read....and an explanation of the shorthand methodology would truly assist
LOVE having it....functionality via some sort of quick start explanation to be sent with it would GREATLY assist the new user to more BAANG for the BUCK out of it from the start!!

Super easy reference's
This makes studying and giving Bible studies so much easier and others can see that everything comes straight from the Bible and not from my own opinion.

Best study guide
This is so greatly helpful...especially if you want to study a specific portion in the bible.

How to use
Please read thoroughly beforehand. To use, you would start by cutting out the topical directory in the bottom right corner, peel off the paper backing and place it somewhere convenient in your bible. Next, cut out desired topical scripture, "The Bible" for example. Note that all scriptures are numbered so next, look at the topical directory for "The Bible" topic. You will see the first scripture to start you off listed as number 1. Go to that scripture in your bible. Next, cut out the individual scripture listed as number 2 in "The Bible" section of scriptures listed, peel off the paper backing and stick it in your bible by the first scripture. Stickers are small enough to fit in line also if necessary. Next, look at the scripture that you just placed in your bible, locate that scripture, cut out scripture number 3 and place it there. Repeat process until all 14 of "The Bible" stickers are successfully placed in your bible. At the very last scripture, number 14, cut out "end" and place it there so that you know there are no more listed scripture reference for that particular topic. Repeat the same process with all the other topics. I suggest that that you cut off excess plastic for a clean look. Also, when you cut out number 2, keep the topic heading with it so that you know that is the starting point if you just happen to be flipping though your bible and come across it. Please note: be sure of your placement because it really stick down well. You can manage to lift carefully and adjust if done quickly but it would be best to place it and leave it. Also when placing the topical directory, you should consider placing it on blank surface where all the text can be seen clearly. It can be hard to see the text if placed of a printed background so test and make sure text is completely visible before sticking down. What I did was stick it on a nice piece of paper and taped that paper down in my bible. Maybe your bible has one of those thick blank page directly at the front or directly at the back, you can even place it there. Hope this helps

We love them!
The woman I'm sharing bible studies wanted clear texts for each belief. Something she cloud share text by text with her freinds.

Bible chain referencing sheet
Very helpful tool in study of bible