Amazing Facts
Afacts Tract (100/pack): Three Final Warning Messages to Planet Earth
Afacts Tract (100/pack): Three Final Warning Messages to Planet Earth
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
Topic: End Times
Easy-to-share leaflets on popular Bible topics!
Packets of 100 for only $9.95.
Amazing Facts Tracts stand out from the crowd.
- Larger size to grab attention (but still fits in your pocket)
- Free link to a magazine, book, or video download
- Easy to read type
- Covers key Bible teachings
- Connects to free Bible study guides
- Use with evangelism tracking database
- Nurture leads with follow-up emails on the tract topic
Equip yourself, your members, your personal ministries team, and your outreach events with these colorful, inexpensive, eye-catching tracts that can be spread out like the leaves of autumn.
Each topic introduces a central Bible topic and then links the reader to free Bible studies and a free resource that can be downloaded simply by sending a text message.
Sample of text on tract:
Tsunami waves are among nature's most destructive forces. One of the deadliest tsunamis ever was trigged by a 9.1 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Indonesia. Catastrophic waves up to 100 feet high destroyed communities in 14 countries and killed 228,000 people. Thousands on beaches who had heard the warnings sirens but did not flee were among the many who perished.
God has sent a critical warning to our world. Found in the book of Revelation, these distinct messages, presented by three angels, are like tsunami sirens-if you ignore them, it could cost you everything.
Customer Reviews
- Reviews
- Questions

One of Three
This is being given out with two other tracts to help people learn about GOD and Christ in a better way.

Great to hand out
This is being given out with two other tracts to help people learn about GOD and Christ in a better way.

Most needed
I believe we are living in the last days of earth's history. These glow tracts are perfect for the time we all are living in. I have given out many of these and I am ordering more. Blessings !
Great! We are glad that you and others are being blessed by the Amazing Facts tracts!

Three Final Warning messages
I love these Fact tracts . These are the perfect tracts to pass out to everyone in these last days . As soon as more is available, I will order more Thank you Pastor Doug and Amazing Facts !

New tracks
These are wonderful. I have been handing them out wherever I go and we even put some in our rack at church. The info they contain is sure to get people's attention.

Three Final Warning Mesages
Excellent. People were eager to read and learn about these messages in association with the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Its been pleasantly exceptable