Amazing Facts
Cosmic Conflict and Final Events DVD Set by Doug Batchelor
Cosmic Conflict and Final Events DVD Set by Doug Batchelor
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
Get two of our biggest best-sellers at an AMAZING DISCOUNT!
Final Events DVD
Pastor Doug Batchelor takes you step by step through seven end-time “events” in this gripping documentary on the last days. Eye-catching special effects and shocking Bible truths, including signs of the end, Christ’s return, the millennium, and more. Also includes an encyclopedia with hundreds of pages of Bible information, pop-ups, animations, audio answers, and much more!
Cosmic Conflict DVD
Take a spectacular journey back through time and trace the transformation of a perfect angel into Satan, the arch demon—and how he led an army of angels in a revolt in heaven! Recorded in high-definition, this
Bible- based documentary will help you understand the deepest mysteries of life, explaining how sin and evil could invade a perfect world made by a loving God. The Cosmic Conflict affects every life on earth—including yours!
Two essential sharing tools—one LOW PRICE. Don't miss this great offer!
Multi-language audio tracks:
- Final Events - English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Bulgarian, French, Mandarin Chinese
- Cosmic Conflict - English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French
¡Obtenga dos de nuestros más vendidos con un DESCUENTO INCREÍBLE!
DVD de eventos finales
El pastor Doug Batchelor lo lleva paso a paso a través de siete “eventos” del tiempo del fin en este apasionante documental sobre los últimos días. Efectos especiales llamativos y verdades bíblicas impactantes, incluidas las señales del fin, el regreso de Cristo, el milenio y más. ¡También incluye una enciclopedia con cientos de páginas de información bíblica, ventanas emergentes, animaciones, respuestas en audio y mucho más!
DVD de conflicto cósmico
Realice un viaje espectacular en el tiempo y rastree la transformación de un ángel perfecto en Satanás, el archidemonio, ¡y cómo dirigió un ejército de ángeles en una revuelta en el cielo! Grabado en alta definición, este
El documental basado en la Biblia lo ayudará a comprender los misterios más profundos de la vida, explicando cómo el pecado y el mal pueden invadir un mundo perfecto creado por un Dios amoroso. El Conflicto Cósmico afecta a todas las vidas en la tierra, ¡incluida la tuya!
Dos herramientas esenciales para compartir: una de PRECIO BAJO. ¡No te pierdas esta gran oferta!
Pistas de audio en varios idiomas:
Eventos finales: inglés, español, portugués, ruso, búlgaro, francés, chino mandarín
Conflicto cósmico: inglés, español, portugués, alemán, francés
- Reviews
- Questions

One Item Missing
These were purchased as gifts to our guest for our evangelistic campaign, however we only received the Cosmic Conflict. I have since then called back AFBookstore and they stated that they will send a repose!
Cosmic Conflict would definately buy it
Should it to my family, brings the beginning to life.
very good resource
The visuals and special effects were fascinating. Pastor Doug's teaching is excellent. These dvds are very good for educating friends and family.
I Like To Much, God Bless you
The product is very, very important. I bough, because I need to evangelize.
Choose Biblical Truth!
I watched both DVDs with my church a while back, but I ordered them to share with friends!
"Easy to understand"
Great to share and learn together with family and friends.
I'm buying a set for each family member.
A good product to give to those who know nothing about the bible. I am giving a set to each family member for Christmas.
Great ice breakers!!
I watch the videos with others or make copies for friends to take home. They always come back asking questions and get more intrigued with the truth of Bible.
awesome info
cheap and super fast shipping
People understand evil and final events
I watch it on a DVD Player. It helps remind my family of our beliefs in Jesus Christ.