Amazing Facts
Cosmic Conflict: The Origin of Evil by Doug Batchelor
Cosmic Conflict: The Origin of Evil by Doug Batchelor
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
Presented by Pastor Doug Batchelor, this Bible-based documentary on DVD will help you share how sin could invade a perfect world made by a loving God.
Take a spectacular journey back through time and trace the transformation of a perfect angel into Satan, the arch demon, and learn how he led an army of angels in a revolt in heaven! This powerful resource makes sense of God's character and actions and why He permitted sin to continue at such a great cost.
Witness the creation of a beautiful new world ... feel the suspense as the devil brings his rebellion to Planet Earth ... behold the temptation and fall in Eden ... and uncover God's amazing plan to restore people to paradise through the ultimate sacrifice.
The battle between good and evil affects every life on Earth—don't let you, your family, or friends miss this!
- Powerful animations
- Recorded in hi-definition
- Audio and subtitles in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French
An essential Christian sharing tool!
Presentado por el pastor Doug Batchelor, este documental basado en la Biblia en DVD lo ayudará a compartir cómo el pecado podría invadir un mundo perfecto creado por un Dios amoroso.
¡Realice un viaje espectacular en el tiempo y rastree la transformación de un ángel perfecto en Satanás, el archidemonio, y aprenda cómo lideró un ejército de ángeles en una revuelta en el cielo! Este poderoso recurso da sentido al carácter y las acciones de Dios y por qué permitió que el pecado continuara a un costo tan grande.
Sea testigo de la creación de un hermoso mundo nuevo ... sienta el suspenso mientras el diablo trae su rebelión al planeta Tierra ... contemple la tentación y la caída en el Edén ... y descubra el asombroso plan de Dios para restaurar a las personas al paraíso a través del sacrificio máximo .
La batalla entre el bien y el mal afecta a todas las vidas de la tierra. ¡No dejes que tú, tu familia o tus amigos se lo pierdan!
Poderosas animaciones
Grabado en alta definición
Audio y subtítulos en inglés, español, portugués, alemán y francés
¡Una herramienta cristiana esencial para compartir!
- Reviews
- Questions

Cosmic conflict
I loved them, and bought them to share with a friend

excellent for give the word of god.
Excellent for teaching the word of god.
yes is excellent.
Excellent too for give the word of god.
Excelent beginning to two other video's
I show it in church, use it in small meetings to those who need to see how we got into this mess
Excellent book.
Excellent book for learning more and for teaching.
I am buying extra as Christmas gifts.
Can not share
I had/have a big concern with the clothed in light theory for Adam and Eve. While they should not be shown ***** on this DVD, they were ***** and were not ashamed. Being Clothed in Light takes away their child like innocence and hurts the credibility of the story. I wish that part could be edited out!
Cosmic Conflict: The Origin of Evil
It is a good resource to teach others about the origin of evil. The actors were good. The actor portraying Jesus could have been a lot more intense about His angel starting an [unnecessary] war. He should have acted much more upset because he was jealous of Him over nothing.
cosmic conflict
the dvd was very well done not only for myself,but it held the attention of my 11 year old and my 9 year old.and they are still asking me questions about it. I loved it ,it was realy great to sit and watvh with my children.they seem to follow it easily and enthusiasticly.