Amazing Facts
O Conflicto Cosmico (Cosmic Conflict: The Origin of Evil -Portuguese) by Doug Batchelor
O Conflicto Cosmico (Cosmic Conflict: The Origin of Evil -Portuguese) by Doug Batchelor
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
¿Cómo vino pecado a esta tierra? ¡La batalla entre bueno y malo afecta cada vida en la tierra — no le permitió, su familia, ni los amigos pierden esto! Comment le péché est-il venu à cette terre ? Le combat entre bon et diabolique affecte chaque vie sur la terre — ne vous laisse pas, votre famille, ou les amis manquent ceci ! 42 documentaire minutieux sur DVD.
Presented by Pastor Doug Batchelor, this Bible-based documentary on DVD will help you share how sin could invade a perfect world made by a loving God.
Take a spectacular journey back through time and trace the transformation of a perfect angel into Satan, the arch demon, and learn how he led an army of angels in a revolt in heaven! This powerful resource makes sense of God's character and actions and why He permitted sin to continue at such a great cost.
Witness the creation of a beautiful new world ... feel the suspense as the devil brings his rebellion to Planet Earth ... behold the temptation and fall in Eden ... and uncover God's amazing plan to restore people to paradise through the ultimate sacrifice.
The battle between good and evil affects every life on earth—don't let you, your family, or friends miss this!
- Powerful animations
- Recorded in hi-definition
Audio and subtitles in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French
An essential Christian sharing tool!