Amazing Facts
God's Role for Women in Ministry (PB) by Doug Batchelor
God's Role for Women in Ministry (PB) by Doug Batchelor
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
- Understand the meaning of Galatians 3:28
- What should be our ultimate source of guidance for church leadership?
- Discover the role of women throughout Bible history!
- Reviews
- Questions

No more confusion about women's role in the church.
helped clear up some controversial questions
Allwomen should read this
The info was very informative and gave me ideas on how I can serve the Lord.
Great biblical research
Gives clarity about the subject. It was something i was struggling with in my heart just did not know there was so much biblical evidence. I had to be going back to my bible alot because most of the text were not printed out. The great thing is that it has a lot of biblical support.
Eye opener
I really didn't have an opinion about women's ordination until I ordered and read this little book. Thank you Pastor Doug for opening my eyes and leading me to dig deeper into the word and not just go with the popular vote. The information was very respectful and supportive of women and uplifting them in their roles within the church.
Crystal clear and concise!
This booklet, systematically lays out the role of Women in the ministry of the Church. In a clear, yet concise manner this booklet deals with a potentially divisive subject in a Christ like loving way. It's a very easy read that is solely based on the literal word of God and not some kind of humanistic interpretation. It's a must read for anyone, especially those that are in the upper most echelon of our Church's leadership!
Strong Biblical Position Paper
I already agreed with the authors position. I appreciated his strong Biblical logic.
Subject straight to the point
This book should be sent to every Pastor and Elder in the SDA Church.
God's Role for Women in Ministry
I ordered this book after seeing the offer on one of the Amazing Facts broadcasts. This is a topic I have been particularly interested in finding more information on. I try to stay middle ground without being extreme or liberal, but after they started to ordain women as elders in my church I got very concerned as this didn't seem to fit with what I have discovered in my own studies. I'm sure there are people on both sides of the fence on this topic but I was already convinced in my own heart that this was not a womens position, my findings particularly on the entire sancuary service in the OT. Never were women a part of things done in the service plus the fact there were no females in the diciples that Jesus picked. I don't think that was an oversight either. I did learn other important points as well considering this is a smaller book. I intend to share this with someone who has been ordained as an elder. I did, by the way, just see the 1 hr program this week on this very topic. I need to get this as well as it covered so much more than the book did. I was especially shocked to hear Pastor Doug say that people from other denominations have been surprised that this is going on in our church. What a sad surprise. Thank you for covering this important topic.