Amazing Facts
How Evolution Flunked Science Test (PB) by Joe Crews
How Evolution Flunked Science Test (PB) by Joe Crews
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
This brief but convincing book puts the stale science of evolution on the defensive by exposing loopholes in the theory. It will help you provoke spiritual conversation and be bold about your Christian faith!
- What does the fossil record really say?
- Can the Genesis flood be empirically verified?
- Why natural selection and mutations don't help the evolution theory
- Reviews
- Questions
The Holy Bible will forever hold true!
Evolutionist come & go, changing their ther theories. The Word of God always stands true.

Creation is the only answer
It is well written but not as thorough as possible. There is even more evidence than given in the pamphlet that the theory of evolution is false. Also, since God's word tells us how it happened, I think some Bible verses would be helpful.

Understand in creationism vs evolutionism
Pretty good, but there were lots of areas I did not understand due to the wording.
I would recommend this book
Very informative helped clarify my questions

I loved the information provided.
Givinig it to my 30 year old son. He attended a very Liberal College (Purdue University) for 7 years and received his Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has a very "scientific" mind and was taught about the big bang theory. Whenever we bring up religion he gets angry and defends that man evolves from apes. I pray when it gets in his hands that he will open his heart and mind that the Lord exists and that he will accept the Lord as his Saviour. Please keep my son Robb in your prayers. Thank you.

Eye opening on the THEORY of evolution!
It emphasises the mathematical improbability of the fragile conditions of many systems that would have to coincide for the process to even start much lest continue for a time for a life sustaining biosphere to be established.
it is good
I enjoyed your little book for its clarity and conciseness. I had read one other pamphlet concerning this topic, but found it too wordy and complicated.
Great reading!
I give these tiny informative books to people to share truth for this time.