Amazing Facts
Kingdoms In Time DVD (Sharing Edition) by Pastor Doug Batchelor
Kingdoms In Time DVD (Sharing Edition) by Pastor Doug Batchelor
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
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Available in standard definition DVD (DV-KIT), high definition Blu-ray DVD (DV-KITBR), high definition USB drive (MS-KITUSB), standard definition sharing DVD (DV-KITSE), or online via the following platforms (click on the images below):
The evangelistic power of Kingdoms in Time DVD is now available in a mass-sharing format for your church, small group, or individual outreach efforts! This sharing edition is packaged in an attractive but slim DVD sleeve that you can carry in your car, briefcase, or purse to share with everyone you meet. Bulk pricing available on orders of 10 or more.
Want to reach an entire community? Call the Amazing Facts Bookstore at 800-538-7275 for mass-mailing pricing. It’s more affordable and cost-effective than you think! (Minimum mailing of 1,000 DVDs required.)
“I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe” (John 14:29).
Hosted by Pastor Doug Batchelor, Kingdoms in Time is a life-changing documentary that explores the most striking Bible predictions that have come true—from nations rising and falling to the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Journey through ancient Israel and hear from expert theologians, historians, and archaeologists on how we can know these prophecies were written in advance—and what it means for the ones that have yet to come true.
Featuring reenactments and powerful evidence of the supernatural, Kingdoms in Time is an extraordinary adventure through history where you will discover the astonishing evidence that Bible prophecy has been precisely fulfilled throughout the ages. You will believe that God’s Word stands forever and can be trusted!
Approx. Running Time: 60 minutes.
Audio and subtitles available: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, German, French, Russian, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean
El DVD del poder evangelístico de Kingdoms in Time ahora está disponible en un formato de intercambio masivo para su iglesia, grupos pequeños o esfuerzos de alcance individual. Esta edición para compartir completamente nueva está empaquetada en una funda de DVD atractiva pero delgada que puede llevar en su automóvil, maletín o bolso para compartir con todos los que conoce. Precio al por mayor disponible en pedidos de 10 o más.
¿Quiere llegar a toda una comunidad? Llame a la librería Amazing Facts al 800-538-7275 para conocer los precios de envío masivo. ¡Es más asequible y rentable de lo que cree! (Se requiere un envío postal mínimo de 1,000 DVD).
“Os lo he dicho ahora, antes que suceda, para que cuando suceda, creáis” (Juan 14:29).
Presentado por el pastor Doug Batchelor, Kingdoms in Time es un documental que cambia vidas y explora las predicciones bíblicas más sorprendentes que se han hecho realidad, desde naciones que se elevan y caen hasta el nacimiento, muerte y resurrección de Jesucristo.
Viaja por el antiguo Israel y escucha a teólogos, historiadores y arqueólogos expertos sobre cómo podemos saber que estas profecías fueron escritas con anticipación y lo que significan para las que aún no se han cumplido.
Con recreaciones y poderosa evidencia de lo sobrenatural, Kingdoms in Time es una extraordinaria aventura a través de la historia en la que descubrirás la asombrosa evidencia de que la profecía bíblica se ha cumplido con precisión a lo largo de los siglos. ¡Creerá que la Palabra de Dios permanece para siempre y se puede confiar en ella!
Aprox. Duración: 60 minutos.
Audio y subtítulos disponibles: inglés, español, portugués, rumano, alemán, francés, ruso, hindi, indonesio, coreano
Customer Reviews
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Perfect for sharing
Purchased these for witnessing along with cosmic conflict. Strangers I approached quickly accepted them.

An inspiration
I first saw this on Amazon video. However, it was discontinued. Found it at Amazing Facts. Such an inspiration and confirmation that the Bible and the word of God is true.

History foretold
I so enjoyed this DVD that I bought enough to share with anyone I could. This impressive production provides the evidence that God does know the end from the beginning.

Kingdoms in Time
Fast over of history, which is prophecy, and well anchored!

Kingdoms in time
I enjoyed it and am sharing with anyone willing to take one!

Well written and very informative!!
