Amazing Facts
(PDF Download) El Israel Espiritual by Doug Batchelor
NOT the physical book (Download size <1 MB)
¿Qué es el destino de Israel? ¿Hay algo más a ella que la soberanía nacional? Dos judíos agarran bravamente uno de los asuntos más polémicos en la profecía cristiana, le dirigiendo a un final, conclusión asombrosa apoyada por evidencia bíblica sólida.
What is Israel's destiny? Is there something more to her than national sovereignty? Two Jews boldly tackle one of the most controversial issues in Christian prophecy, leading you to a final, amazing conclusion backed by solid biblical evidence.
- What is the difference between physical Israel and spiritual Israel?
- Learn the true nature of Israel today in the eyes of God
- Explore astounding connections between the life of Christ and ancient Israel!
- Why are mainstream Christians attempting to help build a new temple in Israel?