Barbara Weimer
The First Lie by Barbara M. Weimer
The First Lie by Barbara M. Weimer
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
“Then the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die’” (Genesis 3:4 NKJV).
Have you ever wondered what will happen when you die? Will your “soul” go somewhere? You have probably heard many times: “No one knows,” but that simply isn’t true. The Bible has amazing answers to this question; answers you may find surprising.
The First Lie is a Bible study that explores the subject of death from a biblical perspective with all the preconceived ideas stripped away, letting the Bible speak for itself. This book also traces the history of popular concepts, all the way from the first lie the devil told to Eve in the Garden of Eden, to the ancient Greeks, in the course of Jewish history, throughout the Dark Ages, and into the present day.
The precipitating event that led to Barbara Weimer’s journey through the Scriptures and the writing this book occurred on April 26, 2005, when she lost her daughter Kelly in a college dorm fire. Her examination of the Scriptures led her to harbor the comforting hope of seeing her daughter again in the clouds of glory. She shares this with readers who desire to gain a deeper understanding of what the Bible has to say about what happens when we die.
Table of Contents
Lesson 1—Asleep in the Grave
Lesson 2—Powerful Words
Lesson 3—The First Breath and the Last Breath
Lesson 4—The Hope of the Resurrection
Lesson 5—The Problem with Hell
Lesson 6—Choice Words
Lesson 7—No More Death
Lesson 8—Choosing to Trust the Bible
Lesson 9—Spreading the First Lie
Lesson 10—Under the Microscope
Lesson 11—Under the Microscope, Continued …
Lesson 12—Under the Microscope, Continued …
Lesson 13—Under the Microscope, Continued …
Pages: 160, paperback
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches