Amazing Facts
When you Fast (PB) by Doug Batchelor
When you Fast (PB) by Doug Batchelor
6615 Sierra College Boulevard
Granite Bay CA 95746
United States
The Guinness World Record for the longest fast is held by Angus Barbieri of Scotland. According to the British Medical Journal, Barbieri went without solid food for 382 days—from June 1965 to July 1966. While under medical supervision, he survived on tea, water, and vitamins. At the beginning of his fast, he weighed 456 pounds, and by the end, he weighed 180 pounds.
Most Christians get a little uncomfortable when they hear the word “fasting.”
Indeed, when I give a sermon on the topic, I notice a little more squirming in the pews and often hear much fewer “amens.” I would even venture to say that most of us new covenant believers haven’t gone a day without eating over the past year. Does that describe you?
I don’t blame anyone for getting antsy about denying themselves food; eating is a very personal thing.
In this brief guide to a forgotten Christian discipline:
- What Is Fasting?
- Aspects of Fasting
- Types of Fasting
- Other Ways to Fast
- Fasting Struggles
- The Most Important Reason to Fast